Come with us as we return to South America this summer to volunteer at La Casa De Fe, a home for abandoned and special needs children in Shell, Ecuador.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~Mathew 19:14

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tutoring Time

by sara

This summer we are doing a lot of fun activities with the kids: bikes, capture the flag, Legos, art projects, and swimming to name a few.

However, we are also doing a little bit of “school.” Here at Casa de Fe the classes are all taught in English. Most of the older kids speak English well, but it is challenging for them to read it. The teachers have been especially working on reading and they asked that we keep up  that work over the summer.

The daily 15-minute tutoring times have become some of our favorite parts of day. Emily, Erin, and I take “our” kids and read to them as well as listening to them read.

Ivan and I reading with Isaiah, a little boy from one of the teams2011-07-07 005

Rosa and Erin have been reading princess books2011-07-07 013

Maria and Emily are reading buddies2011-07-07 014

Marcia and Erin2011-07-07 019

Yulisa and I like to read Bilingual books together2011-07-07 012

1 comment:

  1. I think the reading would be my favorite time of day, too! I took a LOT of books to Nayelli and Bryan and really regret I didn't have time to read one with them. Most of them were bilingual. Nayelli's Dad said she wants to learn English. And at the hotel, she counted the steps in English as we went upstairs.

    Linda T. from OC
